Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Make your emails stand out in Inbox

As we announced last week, Inbox is a whole new take on, well, the inbox. It’s built by the Gmail team, but it’s not Gmail—it’s a new product designed to help users succeed in today’s world of email overload and multiple devices. At the same time, Inbox can also help you as a sender by offering new tools to make your emails more interactive!

Specifically, you can now take advantage of a new feature called Highlights.

Exactly like it sounds, Highlights “highlight” or surface key information and actions from an email and display them as easy-to-see chips in the inbox. For example, if you’re an airline that sends flight confirmation emails, Highlights can surface the “Check-in for your flight” action and display live flight status information for recipients right in the user’s main list. The same can apply if you send customers hotel reservations, event details, event invitations, restaurant reservations, purchases, or other tickets. Highlights help ensure that your recipients see your messages and the important details at a glance.

To take advantage of Highlights, you can mark up your email messages to specify which details you want surfaced for your customers. This will make it possible for not only Inbox, but also Gmail, Google Now, Google Search, and Maps to interact more easily with your messages and give your recipients the best possible experience across Android, iOS and the web.

As an example, the following JSON-LD markup can be used by restaurants to send reservation confirmations to their users/customers:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "FoodEstablishmentReservation",
"reservationNumber": "WTA1EK",
"reservationStatus": "http://schema.org/Confirmed",
. . . information about dining customer . . .
"reservationFor": {
"@type": "FoodEstablishment",
"name": "Charlie’s Cafe",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway",
"addressLocality": "Mountain View",
"addressRegion": "CA",
"postalCode": "94043",
"addressCountry": "United States"
"telephone": "+1 650 253 0000"
"startTime": "2015-01-01T19:30:00-07:00",
"partySize": "2"

When your confirmation is received, users will see a convenient Highlight with the pertinents at the top of their Inbox, then can open the message to obtain the full details of their reservation as shown above.

Getting started is simple: read about email markup, check out more markup examples, then register at developers.google.com/gmail/markup and follow the instructions from there!

by Shalini Agarwal, Product Management, Inbox by Gmail
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Monday, March 9, 2015

On the road again upcoming events around the world

We’ve been busy traveling and meeting enthusiastic developers from around the world at our Google Developer Day and DevFest events. Early this month Ryan Boyd and Nicolas Garnier were off to Moscow, Prague, and Paris (with a side trip to a Warsaw GTUG). Before that, Saurabh Gupta and I were in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo while Claudio Cherubino and Michael Manoochehri headed to Hyderabad and Bangalore.

Up next, I’ll be at our events in Tokyo, Sydney, Singapore, and Jakarta. Ryan Boyd and Michael Manoochehri will also be in Tel Aviv and Berlin. If you’re building integrations with Google Apps into your products to connect users with their data, helping customers integrate Google Apps with other parts of their Enterprise IT systems, or are simply customizing your own Google Apps environment, let’s meet!

Here’s my schedule:
  • Google Developer Day in Tokyo - November 1st
  • Google Developer Day in Sydney - November 8th
  • Google DevFest in Singapore - November 12th
  • Google DevFest in Jakarta - November 16th
For Ryan and Michael:
  • Google Developer Day in Tel Aviv - November 13th
  • Google DevFest in Berlin - November 19th
For those a little closer to our home in the San Francisco Bay Area, there are two other events here that are noteworthy. Neither is a Google sponsored event, but you’ll find several members of the Google Apps team in attendance.
  • First up is the gSocial conference on November 8-9 in Santa Clara, California. This is a peer-to-peer conference for Google Apps Resellers and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to collaborate, share best practices, and partner to grow their businesses.
  • The Small Business Web is hosting its first Summit on November 11-12 in San Jose, California. Software vendors, resellers, and distributors serving small businesses are attending to make decisions to push the industry forward over the next few months.
If you’re coming to any events of just happen to be near by, drop us a note on Google+ or twitter and we’d be happy to meet and talk with you.

Steven Bazyl   profile | twitter | events

Steve is a Developer Advocate for Google Apps and the Google Apps Marketplace. He enjoys helping developers find ways to integrate their apps and bring added value to users.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baby Salmas Awesome Chat!


Yes, my brother-in-law Adam has a GOD GIVEN gift to engage babies to talk. In this video, Adam is talking to my baby daughter Salma (turning 2 years old next week). Although, we have no clue what they are talking about, we are enriched with happy moments to cherish for life.

Now, imagine if Adam rethinks his existing law career, and...

..Collaborates with Giggles to develop the most wanted app in the world for any mum and dad: BABY CHAT! Now, for the first time since Adam and Eve parents can actually understand what their babies are babbling about. Even better, with BABY CHAT babies also understand what their parents (or anyone) are babbling, meaning a real conversation can take place. It will for sure be revolutionary for baby learning.

Adam, please rethink your career and explore the possibilities to reinvent the way we communicate with babies...Please dont answer me, just think about it!

In the meantime, can anyone decipher what baby Salma is really trying to say? :)
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Monday, March 2, 2015

Mathway Teaches Us How to Think Maths Step by Step

  • Mathway
  • Via John Evans
Mathway solves our math problems with step-by-step explanations. It is for students, parents, and teachers, and covers the following math subjects:

  • Basic Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Precalculus
  • Calculus

In addition, it also provides Graphing and Glossary definitions.

I love the fact that it not only gives us the results, but teaches us the process step-by-step, too. Although, results are important, it is only when we master the process that we can really apply what we learn to other problems, scenarios and contexts. If we understand the process we can use the knowledge, skills and competencies learned to create new value added ideas, processes, services and products.

Isnt that what we want our students to able to master in the era of learning, creativity, innovation and invention? :)
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Sunday, March 1, 2015

What Did They Say! Wednesday! A Linky Party!

As teachers, Im pretty sure we could write a novel with all of the funny things our kids say each week!  But... since I dont know a publisher, I host this weekly linky party with all of the funny things students are the world are saying!

What Did They Say!?

<div align="center"><a href="http://aturntolearn.blogspot.com/" title="What Did They Say!?"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OIhmtxluCS0/ULwEfazkl1I/AAAAAAAADpM/MMMzxm23B0Y/s320/What+Did+They+Say+Wednesday.png" alt="What Did They Say!?" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Here is my funny story for the week!

One of the prizes in the treasure chest is a toy compass... it spins around but doesnt actually point north. One of my boys took this prize today and went to put it in his backpack. Not two minutes later, he said:
"Ms. Jessica, this compass works good!"
Me: "Really? what do you mean?"
Boy: "It helped me get to my cubby to find my backpack!"

After 100-something days of school Im sure he couldnt have done that without the compass!  Gotta love it!

Now... its time to share your cute kids story from this week!

Rules for the Linky Party:
  1. Share a story that one of your kids said on your blog!  If you dont have a blog, leave a comment with your story!
  2. Use the HTML code at the top of this post to link back to the post!
  3. Comment on the two blog posts before yours!


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