Friday, February 13, 2015

Tips on How to Have Better SEO Results with Link Building

Tips on How to Have Better SEO Results with Link Building

SEO is still important when it comes to how your site does in the rankings. The type of website that you have really does not matter too much, whether you are using Premium WordPress Themes or any other platform. You still have to make sure that you are using all of the right tools and tricks to ensure that your site is going to be a success. One of the ways to do what is by building the number of incoming links to your site.

You have a bit of control over this. You can go out to other sites and write articles or guest posts that will then link back to your site. While this method is one that many people employ, guest posting is not the only thing that you can do to ensure that you are getting the backlinks that you deserve. Here are some tips that you will be able to utilize in order to boost the number of links that you have coming into your site.

Also Read: Best Ways to Deal with Bad Links
Also Read: The 5 Best Ways to Build Quality Backlinks for Your Website or Blog

Have Guest Posters on Your Site

Using guest bloggers on your blog is going to provide you with a couple of benefits. First, it means that you are not going to have to write a post for the day, as that duty is going to go to someone else. Most of the time, the advice you will receive is to be on the other end of this arrangement and write posts for other sites. However, this can work just as well.

When you have a guest poster, you can be sure that he or she is going to post the information on a blog or website, social networks, and many other places. This is going to bring in people to your site who would not have found it otherwise thanks to the links the writer is posting in those places. You get some great links to your site, and you get an influx of new visitors who will return if they like what they see.

Of course, you have to be careful about choosing the right guest poster for your site. Choose someone who generally blogs about a similar subject to your own or who is in a related field. If you have a site dedicated to gluten free living, you probably don’t want to have your mechanic write a guest post about how to change oil. You want to find an expert who is able to write engaging articles too.

Ensure Good Quality of Posts

Quality is always important. You have to make sure that you are able to maintain a level of quality on your site whether you are the one who is writing the posts or you have guest bloggers writing them. No one is going to want to link to a site that has articles with no merit, zero research and countless misspellings. Quality is always more important than quantity if you really want to have more backlinks.

Posts with Lists Get Backlinks

Here’s a fun and simple way that you can get more backlinks. Lists can be fun and informative, and you can surely come up with some great lists no matter your niche. Top 10 lists and 10 worst lists are always great, but that’s just the beginning. Look at all of the other things that you will be able to do with lists. Even lists of tips can be helpful depending on your subject.

People like linking to them, so they should certainly be a part of your SEO tactics for getting better rankings. They are easy to write too, and generally do not take very long. They are also able to drum up some discussion in your comments section.

About Author:
Olga Ionel is a creative writer at She is passionate by WordPress, SEO and Blogging. Don’t forget to check out stunning Premium WordPress Themes.

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